Bartłomiej Drozd
This research is to find out how traditional events are presented and what are the most important goals for traditional culture. The research aims thus to explore and experiment the dissemination of the traditional culture to understand this process and discover new forms of adaptation of this culture in order to have more interaction and interconnections with the audience of that kind of events - being in the same time curator and recipient. The new generation living in the city including new young artists tries to explore various fields in traditional art and music based on cultural heritage but in urban way. I will try to understand how the communication is developed and what this artistic content is providing. This research through visiting places, exhibitions, events, contact with organizations connected with traditional culture will allow to find new forms and tasks of this culture in the city in order to implement some solutions into local festival in Poland. It might also give different models for communicating knowledge about local traditions and integrating communities through cultural activities for the people who live in city and do not have any obvious connection with their heritage.