Oğuz Haşlakoğlu
Making as identity
The project aims to explore art and culture in terms of ‘making’ and ‘identity’ and their mutual relationship as a ‘making of identity’ within the context of the EU, insofar as this identity is constituted solely on the basis of ‘non-identity’ (Theodor W. Adorno) as its indispensable counterpart. This non-identity which eludes rational thinking can only be brought to light by artistic activity in so far art is understood as the realization of non-identity as ‘being-other’. This experience of self as non-identity in the creative act is the dissemination of experience through art as the very model for ‘making of identity’, in which case-sameness is constantly transformed into ‘being-as-other’. The project, by giving examples from modern and contemporary art, will experiment with the assumption that only by way of art can we come to terms with the non-identical basis of a presumed identity in any cultural heritage. In this way art, perhaps unbeknownst even to itself, is transmitted into culture as the very sense and sensibility of ‘openness’, by encouraging relevant conduct. Democracy then proves itself to be the necessary and indispensable faith of ‘keeping’ this ‘openness’ as part of the society’s collective awareness.
The research will also seek to find and state the relevant discourse and related literature on this matter. Interviews and place (sites, institutions etc.) visits will be held to ensure the framework of the research. The results will then be evaluated, whether we are destined to realize democracy through art as an effective way to keep this openness as the very ground of contemporary culture in a global world.