Ruben Cuñat
This research collects and documents the different projects generated from the "Districts of Culture" project in the city of Lublin during the years 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018. It analyses the types of projects generated, the number of participants, the target group and the financing obtained, with the aim of knowing the performance of the projects financed by the City Council. It explores the dynamics through which a variety of actors (cultural/creative and largely civil society players) contribute to an economic, social and democratic innovation in Lublin (Poland): documenting information and organize data in order to provide analysis for narration; showing evidences of the impacts on urban innovation and development impacts of cultural projects (symbolic, diffuse, long term, out of market and statistics). From the research we will be able to design new actions that facilitate the inhabitants of the different districts to connect with art and culture, eliminating the disadvantages of the minorities of the risk of social vulnerability.