Fernando Alvarez
The main objective of this research is to quantify the economic impact of an increase in Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) spending on value added, employment and income at the country level. CCIs have proven to be a dynamic sector for fostering economic development and territorial competitive advantage. However, even though a higher presence of these industries brings positive economic impacts, the intensity of the impacts is not distributed homogenously across the space. These signifies that the effects of CCI-based economic policies are not the same everywhere. A Multi-Country Input-Output Model will be estimated from OECD Input-Output Tables for countries at different stages of development for the period 1995-2018. CCIs will be defined following an adaptation of Throsby’s concentric circles model, considering nuclear cultural arts, cultural industries and creative industries. The expected results are that the CCIs will have a significant economic impact, but heterogeneous according to the development conditions of the territories.