Co-constructing "savoirs sensibles": reflections on a practice-based research into the agricultural worlds of Martinique

During "a forum in the making" held in Paris from November 26 to December 11, we organised serval conversations. One of them took place with Francesca Cozzolino (anthropologist, EnsadLab), Sophie Krier (artist-researcher, EnsadLab) and Annick Jubénot (founder of the Lasoté Association, Fonds St Denis, Martinique) and was moderated by Arnaud Dubois (anthropologist, Ensadlab).
This meeting gave voice to the artists and researchers of the "L'art de faire parler la terre" project, a "research-creation" inquiry (2020-2022) which aims to develop, through artistic devices, a shared narrative of traditions and knowledge which are constantly being reinvented in horticultural and agricultural daily practices in Martinique. This project, supported by the Ministry of Culture, is developed within the framework of the "Art, Design and Society" Platform of EnsadLab, the research laboratory of the École des Arts Décoratifs, Paris. This meeting also gave the floor to Annick Jubénot, president of the Lasotè association, which has reactivated this collective ritual of ploughing the earth to prepare it for planting since 2013. The various interventions and discussions that followed showed that, much more than just an agricultural tradition, this tradition is also a model of solidarity and cooperation practices transferred from Africa within the plantation system and the colonial social organisation specific to the socialisations of the French Antilles.
The video of this conference is available in French.
The text presenting the lecture is available in English through this link.
To go further:
- the website "L'art de faire parler la terre" collecting podcasts on knowledge and practices related to plants and alternative forms of social ecology that are currently being deployed in Martinique
- the website of the "Art, Design and Society" Platform of EnsadLab