Raúl de Arriba Bueno
Is Doctor in Economic Policy. He is associate professor in Economic Policy at the University of Valencia (Spain) and director of the Master in Economic Policy and Public Economics at the same University. He has written more than 60 publications including articles, book and book chapters on international economic policy, pluralism and creativity in teaching economics, and art and economy. He has been visiting researcher in Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (France) and Research Center in Political Science and International Relations (Portugal), among others. Additionally, he is also director of two documentary films, titled Brass Sounds (2003) and The Factory (2005).
Images of reciprocity "The absence of the motive of gain; the absence of the principle of laboring for remuneration; the absence of the principle of least effort; and, especially, the absence of any separate and distinct institution based on economic motives. But how, then, is order in production...