Dr. Marijanca Ajša Vižintin is research fellow at the Slovenian Migration Institute ZRC SAZU. Her main research and study interests are the inclusion of migrant students in Slovenian school system and the development of an intercultural education model. Her research subjects also include Slovenian emigration to Germany and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Marijanca Ajša Vižintin was awarded the ZRC Silver Award in 2014 for her PhD thesis “The Inclusion of Immigrant Children of the First Generation and Intercultural Dialogue in Slovene Primary Schoolsˮ. She is involved in a number of domestic and international projects on migration-related issues, she actively participates at Slovenian and international conferences (Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kingdom of Bahrain, Croatia, Italy, Germany, Hungary, Sweden), and coordinates the national programme »Only (with) others are we« (2016-2021), https://lezdrugimismo.si/. She has published several scientific papers and a scientific monograph »Intercultural education: inclusion of migrant children« (2017). She was a co-editor of academic journal Dve domovini / Two Homelands in 2013–2014, http://twohomelands.zrc-sazu.si/. She is a visiting lecturer at the University of Stavanger, Norway (postgraduate international study programme EMMIR, European Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations).
VIŽINTIN, Marijanca Ajša. 2019. Bosnian language lessons as the mother tongue of immigrants and their descendants in Slovenia [Dopolnilni pouk bosanskega jezika in kulture za bošnjaške priseljence in njihove potomce v Sloveniji]. V: ŠUŠKO, Dževada (ed.). Both Muslim and European: diasporic and migrant identities of Bosniaks (Muslim minorities, vol. 30). Leiden; Boston: Brill, 124-147.
VIŽINTIN, Marijanca Ajša. 2018. Developing intercultural education [Razvoj medkulturne vzgoje in izobraževanja]. Dve domovini / Two Homelands 47, 89–106.
VIŽINTIN, Marijanca Ajša. 2017. Medkulturna vzgoja in izobraževanje: vključevanje otrok priseljencev [Intercultural Education: Inclusion of Migrant Children], Migracije 27. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC SAZU, 2017.
VIŽINTIN, M. A. 2016. (Im)migrant and Ethnic Minority Literature in Education Curricula in Slovenia. CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture, 18/1, http://dx.doi.org/10.7771/1481-4374.2763.
VIŽINTIN, Marijanca Ajša. 2015. Prepoznavanje kulturne mešanosti in sestavljene identitete znotraj državnih meja [The recognition of cultural mixedness and hyphenated identity inside state borders]. Annales, Series historia et sociologia 25/1, 211–222.
VIŽINTIN, Marijanca Ajša. 2014. Model medkulturne vzgoje in izobraževanja: za uspešnejše vključevanje otrok priseljencev [The intercultural education model: for more successful inclusion of immigrant children]. Dve domovini / Two Homelands 40, 71–89.
VIŽINTIN, Marijanca Ajša. 2014. Ambiente scolastico multiculturale: punto di partenza per lo sviluppo di un'educazione ed una formazione interculturale? [Večkulturno šolsko okolje: izhodišče za razvoj medkulturne vzgoje in izobraževanja?]. V: BOGATEC, Norina (ur.), ZUDIČ ANTONIČ, Nives (ur.). Educare alla diversità: ricerca comparativa interdisciplinare tra Italia e Slovenia (Eduka - Educare alla diversità / Vzgajati k različnosti / Educating for Diversity). Koper = Capodistria: Università del Litorale, Centro di ricerche scientifiche, Edizioni universitarie Annales, 125–149.