Katja Šugman Stubbs has a degree in law and in psychology and a PhD in Law, is Professor of Criminal Law and Criminology at the Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana and senior research fellow at the Institute of Criminology. She was a visiting lecturer abroad (e. g. Faculty of Law, University of Luxemburg, Institute de sciences criminelles, Université de Poitiers (France), Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb (Croatia), Faculty of Law, University of Sarajevo (BIH), course director, summer school, Dubrovnik). She was a Visiting Fellow at Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge (UK), Chercheur Visité and Professeur Visité at the Institute de sciences criminelles, Université de Poitiers (France), and a Fulbright Scholar at Berkeley (USA). She collaborated in working groups drafting new criminal law legislation at the Ministry of Justice, was a member of the Professional Board for Police at the Ministry of Interior and was a member of the State Prosecutorial Council of the Republic of Slovenia. She collaborated in numerous national and international research projects (e. g. she was head of “The Guidelines for the New Model of Criminal Procedure of the Republic of Slovenia” research project, which is being used as a model for a new Criminal Procedure, study on the Principle of mutual recognition, study on the Implementation of the European Arrest Warrant, comparative study on Parole. She published extensively in Slovenian, English, Serbo-Croatian and French on variety of topics: from criminal procedure, to EU criminal law, criminology and topics relating to intersection of psychology and law.