Michele Anzalone
Michele Anzalone got his Master Degree in Architecture in 2013 from University of Palermo. From the same University, in 2017, he got his Ph.D. in city, regional and landscape planning. During his doctoral and postdoctoral studies he carried out research activities at the University of Palermo, at the Jesuit Institute of Political Formation "Pedro Arrupe", at the Institute for Global Prosperity of the University College London (United Kingdom) and at the Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (Spain).
He worked in the field of start-ups and on the valorisation of research results in business ideas, winning with his own start-up the "Culturability" Business Competition promoted by the Unipolis Banking Foundation. Today he is advisor of the Sicilian Region Authority, in particular as regards the renewal of the Geographic Information System.
His scientific interest focuses on the sustainability of plans, programs, policies, projects, interventions and spatial production processes, on Geographic Information Systems, on capability approach, on the reuse and recycling of abandoned assets, on illicit markets, organized crime and on the valorisation of confiscated criminal assets.