Adela Jušić
Female anger and its transformative potential in the political and social sphere
This research is art-based research in the fields of visual art, music, theatre, feminist theories and practice, natural sciences and other, aiming to understand women’s experiences of anger, different forms of anger, and the political contexts in which it is created and expressed.
Through reading, writing, discussing and exchanging knowledge and experiences with artists, activists, feminists, etc., it aims to approach the subject in an interdisciplinary way. Further, the aim is to ask/see/find out does female anger have transformative potential in a political and social sense and, if it does, how this potential can be best used to improve the injustice and inequality women all over the world are facing on an everyday basis and throughout history. This research continues after the secondment until the production period just prior to the final exhibition as part of the Transmaking project, at the end of summer 2020.