Deniz Tokmak

Competitive authoritarian governments promote a uniformizing and conservative understanding of culture and art. These governments develop cultural policies to censor "others", as they usually call dissidents of their policies. In this study, I conducted a series of interviews during my secondment in Poland to understand what cultural policies the PiS government has developed as a competitive authoritarian government and which artists and cultural workers it has targeted with these policies.

1 Sep to 1 Oct 2021, -
20 Mar to 20 Apr 2022, -
Collecting / Documenting
#cultural policy and planning, #competitive authoritarianism, #freedom of artistic expression, #dissent, #political art, #1.1 ENGAGED COLLECTIVE CULTURAL PRACTICE, #1.4 EUROPEAN CONSTRUCTION AND CULTURAL POLICY, #1.5 DEMOCRATIC RECONSTRUCTION, #2.1 HUMAN RIGHTS AND LAW AS CULTURAL CHALLENGE, #2.2 INTERSECTORAL DIALOGUE AND (RE)CONNECTION

: Deniz Tokmak