Gökhan MURA
This research project will study the gift giving practices of Turkish immigrant workers in Europe, taking a special interest in first generation immigrants. The aim will be to understand the shift in values attached to these objects, from the points of view of immigrants and of the people receiving the gifts.
In the long run, the idea is to collect the stories of Turkish immigrants narrated through the objects they bring to Turkey, interviewing both the immigrant workers and the gift receivers in Turkey, to build a digital archive of interview videos and hopefully a collection of the objects (or at least pictures of them).
30 Jun to 31 Jul 2017, -
Collecting / Documenting
#art architecture design craft, #identities, #migration, #2.3 TENSIONS HYBRIDITY AND TRANS, #2.4 RETHINKING/ENGAGING WITH HYPER MOBILITY
: Gökhan MURA