Although Izmir's art scene lacks projects in public spaces, as well shows no significant interest in using the public spaces at all, but rather uses institutional, state and private galleries, placemaking in its wider sense does exist in different forms, and for different purposes. People are turning to public spaces and creating different open spaces, especially in the NGO sector.

If we consider the migration question, Turkish and Kurdish as well as international activists working with communities and refugees are handling problems on the level of neighbourhoods, organizing different events, activities, and educational courses for the vulnerable groups, including also local Turkish community, so that the process of assimilation, increasing of tolerance and understanding the culture of other, does happen equally from both, refugee and local side.

11 Nov 2017 to 11 Jan 2018, -
25 Apr to 25 Jun 2017, -
Exploring / Experimenting
#cultural and social entrepreneurship, #art architecture design craft, #migration, #art-based research, #public space art, #contemporary art, #political art, #place making, #economic empowerment, #feminist, #textile recycling and upcycling, #displaced people, #1.1 ENGAGED COLLECTIVE CULTURAL PRACTICE, #1.2 COLLECTIVE ACTION ON PUBLIC SPACE, #1.5 DEMOCRATIC RECONSTRUCTION, #1.6 ECOLOGICAL TRANSITION, #2.3 TENSIONS HYBRIDITY AND TRANS, #2.4 RETHINKING/ENGAGING WITH HYPER MOBILITY

: Adela JUŠIĆ