Mathilde VASSEUR
My research is about the gentrification and its consequences on the development of the districts concerned and the everyday life of the inhabitants. My concern is about the access to housing, displacement of inhabitants but also on the evolutions of spaces of debates, exchanges, cultural actions, associative work... in the different stages of gentrification.
Beyond the homogenization of lifestyles, the renovation of housing and the public space, what are the consequences on the political debate? What place for diversity in gentrified spaces? What consequences for the circulation of ideas? What evolutions for collective actions in these contexts?
For my secondment in Ljubljana, I use different methods : reading articles and books to improve my knowledge on gentrification and more generally on the phenomena of urban transformation, exploration of the city (districts, cultural spaces, touristic areas…), discussions with professionals involved or impacted by a possible phenomenon of gentrification (urbanists, cultural operators…) and interviews of inhabitants.