Ivor Davies
Beyond boundaries
My research secondments all focus on the common broad theme of researching long term collaborative strategies for interdisciplinary, cross-sectoral and open innovation
My general objectives are to:
- explore new pathways for innovation, based on innovative frameworks, combiningtransnationally (‘trans-boundary’) and locally (territorial) focused action
- re-explore (question) the significance and characteristics of ‘international’ as an effective paradigm for innovation
- contribute to effective long-term collaboration across disciplines, sectors and boundaries
- apply this work to that of partners acting on real, contemporary social issues
As such, my research seeks to situate itself in the heart of the partnership that constitutes ‘Trans-making’, and to ask questions about the nature and potential of such ways of working as a medium for trans-disciplinary social and cultural innovation.
My research secondment to IK is in two parts, between August 2018 and June 2019. In the first part, the research focuses on:
- desk-based and collaborative research, to build my knowledge about the scope and scale of global and ‘top-down’ frameworks (laws, treaties, protocols, transnational frameworks etc)
- establishing grassroots contacts in Ljubljana, working in particular fields of inclusion, activism and hospitality
I will continue and extend both these elements when I return for the second part, focusing more on building active longer term collaborations with local actors.