Renata Salecl
Renata Salecl has been employed at the Institute of Criminology at the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana since 1986. First she was junior researcher and in 2005 she became Full professor.
In 1994 she published her first book in English with Routledge. The title of the book is »The Spoils of Freedom«.” In 1998, she published a book “(Per)versions of Love and Hate” at Verso in London. This book was later translated into Russian, Spanish, German, Chinese, Korean and Polish language. In 2004, she published the book “On Anxiety” (London, Routledge), which has been translated into Spanish, Portuguese, German and Slovene language. In 2010, she published her book »Choice« (London, Profile Books), which got reviews in major UK newspapers and is already translated into 15 languages.
In 2012, she also became full professor at the School of Law, Birkbeck College, University of London (0.2 appointment). The last 20 years, she had extensive international collaboration. In 1997, she became a fellow at the prestigious Wissenschaftskolleg in Berlin. She has been visiting professor at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Humboldt University in Berlin, George Washington University, Washington DC, Duke University.
In 1999, she became associated with the London School of Economics and got the title Centennial Professor.
She is also recurring visiting professor at Cardozo School of Law, New York and Department of Social Science, Health and Medicine at King’s College London.
Since 2016, she is Adjunct Visiting Professor at Southern Cross University in Australia.
In the last 10 years, she had more than 500 public lectures at international universities. In 2002, she was awarded Zois award to exceptional scientific work and in 2010 she got the title »Slovenian woman scientist of the year«. In 2013 she delivered a TED Global talk on her work on choice.
She has been principal investigator of more than 10 large research projects at the Institute of Criminology and a partner in EU funded Framework 6 project BIONET.
She has collaborated with numerous art projects. In particular with the choreographer Mateja Bucar and with Moderna Galerija Ljubljana. She has also written catalogue texts for artists, among them: Anthony Gormley, Sarah Sze and Vadim Fishkin.
As part of trans-making project, she will explore the problem of ignorance in neo-liberal societies and the way artistic interventions in urban space contribute to new forms of social interactions.