Andrés GALAZ
Andrés Galaz (1973), sculptor, designer and Chilean builder with around twenty years of experience in those fields, has developed a large production of works in Chile and abroad.
In the field of the cultural production, as director of the Society of Sculptors from Chile (SOECH) during five years, he organized cultural events such as exhibitions, debates and symposiums.
His experience as a builder and designer permits him to know the technical and practical reality, from inside, to various hand trades which coexist in the “materialization”. That's why in 2015, rich of this expertise, he has founded, with Charlotte Perrin, El Taller TRES, an artistic factory: a workshop place and a meeting point for three-dimensional arts.
In the field of his aesthetic research, Andrés Galaz explores what he calls “capsulism”: a work about the empty, the secret and the movement. The wood, his principal material, with application of metal and stone, is worked with chainsaw or jointed with industrial process, researching forms which speak about the essence and the mystery.
Today, his participation in international symposiums of sculpture in France and Denmark permits him to across borders thanks to his art, travelling with his experience between South America and Europe.