Clelia Bartoli
Clelia Bartoli, PhD in "Human Rights". Professor of "Sociology of Law" and "Politics of migration and human rights" at the Law Department, of the University of Palermo (Italy).
She has conducted various research-actions and ethnographic fieldwork. In Italy, she has worked on social exclusion and inclusive strategies. She developed several theoretical and fields researches on migration and institutional racism. She conducted an inquiry on an informal flea market in Palermo, applying the methodology of “Upside-down Academia”, inviting students to learn law from who is outlawed, to understand aspects that normally escape studying just from the jurists’ perspective. In India, she conducted her PhD research on Dalits (outcastes) and the affirmative action system.
She worked for years in Italian public schools in poor suburbs of Palermo and Naples, adopting the "Maestri di Strada" educational approach. She has also taught in juvenile prison and second-chance schools with illiterate adults, migrants and refugees. She co-founded Giocherenda, a collective of young refugees that invents and builds cooperative games based on storytelling to teach interdependence and solidarity.
During the transmaking secondments, she conducted participant observation of the Chilean revolt (2019-2020) and politicized Mapuche communities (2022). In Turkey, she studied the transition from the Ottoman Empire to the Turkish Nation-state and its impact on minorities and migration.
She is author of several publications. Among her books: Chile Revolts: from the Uprisings Toward the Constitutional Process, Academia University Press, Torino 2022; Aquí se funda un país. Viaggio nella rivolta del Cile, Round Robin, Roma 2021; Inchiesta a Ballarò. Il diritto visto dal margine, Navarra, Palermo 2019; Legal clinics in Europe. For a commitment of higher education in social justice, «Diritto e Questioni Pubbliche», (May 2016); Razzisti per legge. L’Italia che discrimina, Laterza, Bari-Roma 2012; La teoria della subalternità e il caso dei dalit in India, Cosenza, Rubbettino 2008; C. Bartoli (a cura di), Asilo/Esilio. Donne migranti e richiedenti asilo in Sicilia, Due Punti Edizioni, Palermo 2010.