The Forum Tunisien des Droits Economiques et Sociaux (FTDES) is a non governmental organisation, neutral, independent of any political party and any religious institution. It was created in March 2011 in order to defend the economic and social rights of the population nationally and internationally. The FTDES is working on the following themes: labor law, women’s rights , environmental rights and rights of migrants. The FTDES is part of various international networks including FIDH, Migreurop, Loujna Tounkaranké, Boats 4 People .
The objectives of the Tunisian Forum for Economic and Social Rights are notably including:
1- Spreading the culture of economic and social rights based on international benchmarks, national culture and global initiatives related to economic and social development.
2. Promoting research and analysis on the general guidelines based on scientific studies emerging local and regional realities, based on comparative analyses with international experiences, in order to raise awareness ‘ towards decision making’.
3- Strengthening the role of civil society in the development perspectives in the economic and social spheres so that they are anchored in national and regional priorities.
Since its inception in 2011, the FTDES work for respect and dissemination of the culture of economic, social, cultural and environmental rights indivisible and universal. The FTDES therefore plays a major role in defending the rights of Tunisians and migrants. Its activities are mainly focused on the themes of migration, social innovation and capacity building through gender and ecologically integrated approaches.