The Institute of Political Education "Pedro Arrupe” is an educational institution whose origins date back to 1958, when the Jesuits in Sicily established the Social Studies Center with the aim of contributing to the cultural, social and economic development of the island, following the traditions of the Society of Jesus: a rigorous analysis of reality, qualified studies, effective teaching, and customized training. A demanding path, whose stages of evolution constantly listen to reality. In 1986, the Society of Jesus decided to enhance the Social Studies Center in order to better address the growing needs related to the development of Sicily and southern Italy, thus creating the Institute of Political Education “Pedro Arrupe”.
Since its creation, the Arrupe Institute, has been the core promoter of training courses involving those with responsibilities in institutions, public administration and civil society.
Alongside these main activities, the Institute has continued its awareness-raising activities, through conferences, study conventions, use of mass-media, cultural and educational activities. The Institute has always resorted to social sciences as a tool for analysis, having politics as the core of its interests, in view of the ethical renovation of politics.
Since 1992 the Institute has joined the Sasakawa Young Leaders Fund Fellowship (SYLFF) network, which is formed by 69 universities and institutes of higher-education worldwide. This allows our Institute to grant scholarships to young Italian graduates willing to pursue research on social issues (the Idea - Action Research Program).
Over the years, thanks to the seriousness and prestige of the activities carried forward, the Institute has become a point of reference both for research institutions and for NGOs thanks to its activities in which it constantly tries to keep together the dimension of the scientific research with social action, reflection with activities aimed at transforming territories.
The Institute is in the National Register of Research of the Italian Ministry of University and Research (No. 59695MBN).