My biggest direct task in Santiago de Chile with EL Taller TRES is to find an adequate research mode to be able to contribute to Bunker's activity: conference on the theme of emotional materialism and to contribute to the overall aims of trans-making. The theme "emotional materialsm" within placemaking red thread is very interpretatively open, and my attempts are constantly a mix: to stay true to the research mode I challenge myself with and also to use the opportunity to explore the cultural landscape as a cultural manager and curator: to find people, performances, partners that would fit Bunker's collaborative programs. In the end, the two tasks work complementary.
My biggest breakthrough is reading an article on public space, that connects to the notion of emotional materialism immediately - the notion that the biggest challenge for society, public space and art is not innovation, but rather maintenance resonate with me and my observations at both the secondments so far (Valencia, Santiago de Chile).
Emotional materialism will be the theme of the conference in the frame of trans-making in Ljubljana in August 2019. I will try to implement all my experiences and findings into co-shaping the conference - which will also partly be a "result" of both my secondments so far. The conference is also the main point of dissemination of knowledge, experiences, findings … beyond by immediate surroundings (Bunker).