Ricard Huerta
PhD Ricard Huerta is Professor of Art Education in the University of Valencia (Spain). Is regular member at the Institute of Creativity and Educational Innovation, and member of ICOM (CECA). Director of the master "Art Education and Museums" (University of Valencia). Graduate in Fine Arts, in Music, and Communication. Director of the international project Women Teacher. Head director of the Research Journal EARI Educación Artística Revista de Investigación. Invited researcher in universities of France, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, Cuba, Uruguay, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Argentina and Chile. Author of the books Funció Plàstica de les Lletres, Art i Educació, Un Día, Cultura Visual a Ontinyent, Apaga-la!, Museo Tipográfico Urbano, Maestros y Museos, Ciudadana Letra, Mujeres Maestras, La ciudad y sus docentes, and author of articles in specialized journals. He has coordinated several publications and activities inside the areas of Visual Arts, Education, ICT and Museums. Letters and Alphabets are the most relevant question for his performances as visual artist. Typography, printing, photo, video and painting are processes for personal art exhibitions: Alfabet del Tirant, Alfabet de Jesucrist, Alfabet d'Alexandre and Alfabet de les Ciutats. He develops the photography project Letters of Cities and continues with the exhibitions of the Art Based Research Women Teacher, a sample that have seen in Brussels (European Parliament), Santiago de Chile (Museo Artequin), Montevideo (Cultural Center Al Pie de la Muralla), Lima (Casa O'Higgins de Lima), Medellin (MUUA) and several Spanish cities.