Iwona Kornet

Sociologist and culture expert. In 2008 she co-founded and coordinated activities of the "Podushkowiec" Club for Children and Parents. The club has now become a foundation and Iwona is the chairwoman. She creates and runs educational and cultural animation projects for families with children (such as Kolory Kultury - the Colours of Culture, BawiMIsie (it's fun/we play), Questing Rodzinny - Family Questing, Cztery smaki Wieniawy - The Four Flavours of the Wieniawa distict, Kiermasz Pozytywka- Music box Fair). She has launched and coedits "Poradnik Kreatywnych rodziców " (A Handbook for Creative Parents). She's also the originator and the producer of the animated film "Zmyślne Zmysły" - "Clever senses". She is the vice-chairwoman of the Grupa Projekt Foundation. They have run such projects as "O-twórz Lublin" ("Open-Create Lublin"). At Workshops of Culture she works on Carnaval Sztukmistrzów project as its coordinator. Her key responsibility is liaising with artists.

The significant and positive impact of the circus activities on the social and cultural reality, that Iwona Kornet could observe in Valencia confirms that the circus arts are an effective medium for building social justice and social good. NGO organizations gathered around the social circus idea,...
An exploration of actions and artistic creation that involve and use public spaces This research is focused on the topic of art in public space in London. Through art-based research, I explore participation in art and the place of communities in the process of art-making. I aim to explore actions...