Europa Enterprise
At the end of 4-year research cycle, our trans-making group is organising various meetings, from October 15 to December 11 at the Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris and online, under the title of "A forum in the Making". We will propose moments of encounter whose goal is to imagine and implement new ways of working, of teaching, of protecting health, education, art and research, of working together.
The exhibition Europa Enterprise curated by Danijela Dugandžić and Jelena Petrović from CRVENA and taking place at Cité internationale des arts, in Paris, is one of them.
Europa Enterprise
Cité internationale des arts, Paris
From October 15th to December 11th, 2021
Opening on October 14th, 6-9 pm
With contribution by: Raúl Abeledo and Eva Máñez, María Amparo Alonso-Sanz, Selen Çatalyürekli, Lana Čmajčanin, Raúl de Arriba Bueno and María Vidagañ, Andreja Dugandžić, Eser Epözdemir, Stefania Galegati, Ricard Huerta, Adela Jušić, Cigdem Kaya, Tanja Lažetić, Charlotte Perrin and Andrés Galaz, Armina Pilav and Damir Ugljan, Tanja Radež, Julie Ramage, Lala Raščić, Haris Sahačić and Muhammed Ali Örnek, Bojan Stojčić, Fabienne Trotte, Seçil Yaylalı.
Bellow is the statement:
The future will remember us.
Inhuman chains of migrations, war and violence, extreme class differences, global rise of right-wing politics and religious fanaticism, catastrophic climate changes along with the current pandemic make the neoliberal world we live in. The old mechanisms of domination and social (re)production, such as colonial, capitalist and patriarchal, empowered by technological, scientific and (techno)cultural methods of political surveillance and territorial identification, have turned the world into a geopolitical warp-space riddled with ontological anxiety, planetary fear and a debilitating sense of never achieving enough.
Following the link between unsettled geographies and the politics of belonging, the exhibition points to the neoliberal machinery that occupies lands and bodies, destroys nature and commons, and intoxicates social relations, as well as our minds. Taking an imaginative leap from the future into antiquity and back, the exhibition is set against the backdrop of current issues of a common society – all aboard a non-territorial spaceship called EUROPA ENTERPRISE. Based on the inversion of some essential tropes set in the ancient times, this spaceship starts its journey with an artistic investigation of patriarchal and colonizing mythological formulas of a violent origin of Europe and its hegemonic past, still haunting us today. Departing from the myth of Arachne as an ancient metaphor of women’s resistance shaped by the politically engaged webs of art, the exhibition is here to agitate for all subjugated languages, economies, knowledge, spaces and lives. Through different forms of exposure that gradually build a complex system of co-relations between mythology, science, fiction, art and social critique, EUROPA ENTERPRISE takes a tour through a common, non-aligned world that, with its power and resources, belongs to all of us equally.
This exhibition is realized within the framework of “A Forum in the Making”, an event of trans-making project. Trans-making is a shared research program, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme, aiming to strengthen research capacities, through the exchange of knowledge, expertise, skills and experiences, between academic and non-academic partners from Europe and Third Countries, to create alternative narratives for social, economic and democratic renewal.
Organized by the Association for Culture and Art CRVENA, Sarajevo, in collaboration with Relais Culture Europe, coordinators of the trans-making project, and the Cité internationale des arts. Through this collaboration, the first feminist residency program for post-Yugoslav artists and curators CITE ROUGE has been initiated. The first artist in CITE ROUGE residency is Lana Čmajčanin (October 2021).
With kind support from Kadist-Paris and FWF (Elise Richter Program V-730).
Thanks to: all the artists, contributors and technicians, Bénédicte Alliot, Nataša Petrešin Bachelez, Damir Žiško, Émilie Villez, Esther Destrés, Pascal Brunet, Fabienne Trotte, Boriša Mraović, Haris Sahačić, Ada Hamidović, Andreja Dugandžić, Tijana Parezanović and Milan Marković.
Visual: Lana Čmajčanin, The Change is Gonna Come, 2018