Iwona Kornet
Sociologist and culture expert. In 2008 she co-founded and coordinated activities of the "Podushkowiec" Club for Children and Parents. The club has now become a foundation and Iwona is the chairwoman. She creates and runs educational and cultural animation projects for families with children (such as Kolory Kultury - the Colours of Culture, BawiMIsie (it's fun/we play), Questing Rodzinny - Family Questing, Cztery smaki Wieniawy - The Four Flavours of the Wieniawa distict, Kiermasz Pozytywka- Music box Fair). She has launched and coedits "Poradnik Kreatywnych rodziców " (A Handbook for Creative Parents). She's also the originator and the producer of the animated film "Zmyślne Zmysły" - "Clever senses". She is the vice-chairwoman of the Grupa Projekt Foundation. They have run such projects as "O-twórz Lublin" ("Open-Create Lublin"). At Workshops of Culture she works on Carnaval Sztukmistrzów project as its coordinator. Her key responsibility is liaising with artists.